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Maximizing Value

with State Tax Credits

State tax credits offer a range of incentives for businesses and investors. Fallbrook's expertise extends across the nation, helping you navigate and capitalize on state-specific tax credit programs.

Empowering Communities and Driving Economic Growth

State tax credits offer a unique opportunity to support local projects, tap into diverse opportunities, and align your investments with state economic development plans.

State tax credits are a powerful tool for building a better future for all, empowering communities, and driving economic growth.

Drive community growth by breathing life into community projects that enhance neighborhoods, foster job creation, and ignite economic vitality.

Engage in a variety of projects that contribute to the rich tapestry of community development, from affordable housing initiatives to sustainable energy ventures.

Elevate your investments strategically by making informed choices that align your financial goals with impactful projects that drive local economic growth.

Our Expertise in State Tax Credits

Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to help you identify, apply for, and implement state tax credits that can save you money and help you achieve your business goals.

Tax Credit Analysis

Comprehensive review of available state tax credits.

Application Assistance

Guidance through the application process for state tax credits.

Project Implementation

Support from project inception to completion.

How State Tax Credits Help

Explore the state tax credit programs we work with, each offering unique benefits and opportunities.

Film & Entertainment Credits

Boost your production budget and showcase your state to the world.

Job Creation Credits

Invest in your future and the future of your employees by creating new jobs and opportunities in your community.

Environmental Improvement Credits

Reduce your environmental impact and save money on energy costs by supporting clean energy development and job creation.

Contact Fallbrook

for expert guidance and support

    Our Team

    Chief Revenue Officer, Senior Managing Director - Tax Credit Group

    Josh has structured and monetized over one billion dollars of state and federal tax credit investments over the last twenty years.

    Senior Managing Director - Tax Credit Group

    Justin works closely with many Fortune 500 companies to help provide them with substantial savings through tax-based investments.

    Managing Director - Tax Credit Group

    Jeff is responsible for the acquisition and placement of tax credit equity and for facilitating the sale of transferrable state tax credits for projects.

    Brian Gallop
    Director - Tax Credit Group

    Brian is responsible for sourcing, structuring, and financing real estate developments, focused in the 4% and 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) space.

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